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Save money and give back to the planet

Posted on 12 May 2023


As a society, we're becoming increasingly aware of the importance of living sustainably and protecting our planet. However, it can be challenging to make eco-friendly choices while also trying to save money. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce your carbon footprint and save money at the same time.  

Here are some tips to help you save money and give back to the planet: 

  • Reduce food waste: Try planning your meals ahead of time to reduce the amount of food that goes to waste. You can discover easy tricks and recipes for making the most of your food with the experts at Love Food Hate Waste. With any leftovers you might have could be popped in the freezer for a meal later in the week. Finally, composting food scraps – such as fruit and vegetable peelings – is also an excellent way of making the most out of every meal.  
  • Choose sustainable transportation options: Rather than using the car to drive everywhere consider walking, cycling, or taking public transport. Not only will you reduce your carbon emissions, but you'll save money on fuel and parking while also improving your own health and wellbeing. 
  • Choose eco-friendly cleaning products: Many traditional cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can harm the environment. Consider switching to eco-friendly cleaning products that are safer for the planet and your health, or even try making your own.  
  • Use energy-efficient appliances: Switching off your TV isn't going to save the world from climate breakdown, but developing energy-saving and water-saving habits will make a difference. Investing in a Smart energy meter can be helpful in encouraging good habits, as they provide live info on how much energy you’re using. You can also recycle your washing-up water and use it to water your plants instead of filling up your watering can from the tap. 
  • Your day-to-day life: Choose to use reusable water bottles, coffee cups, and lunch containers, and reduce your use of single-use plastics. Try and recycle as much as you can -paper, cardboard, and glass are easy to sort.  

Recycle with these top retailers 

Many of your favourite retailers are also getting into the recycle, reduce and reuse mindset.  

Large electrical stores such as Currys and John Lewis offer places to return broken or unwanted electrical items, often in exchange for money off vouchers for your next purchase! Did you know Currys takes in on average 5,500 tonnes of unwanted tech every month?  

Clothing retailers such as TK Maxx, H&M, Nike, M&S offer clothes recycling programmes, where you can drop off clothing or shoes either as donations to charity or for a money-off voucher. Since 2004 TK Maxx has taken in 1.9 million bags of fashion and homeware, keeping 8,800 tonnes of pre-loved items out of landfill. H&M collected 18,800 tonnes of unwanted clothes and textiles, the equivalent of 94 million t-shirts! 

Halfords have a scheme working with Re-Cycle to fix up any old bikes and send them out to rural Africa in order to help make people’s lives easier. A bike can mean they can travel to work, or school, or take their goods to sell further afield. So far since 2013, they have sent 60,000 bikes which would otherwise have ended up in landfill. 

Why not check what your local stores offer to help reduce waste going to landfills, and give back to the planet? Remember, small changes can make a big difference, so start making eco-friendly choices today! 

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