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Corporate governance

Chairman's Introduction

My role as Chairman of Personal Group is to ensure that the Board is performing its role effectively. This means making sure the Directors have the capacity, ability, structure, diversity and support to respond to the opportunities being created for us, whilst having consideration of our responsibilities under s172 of the Companies Act 2006.

I also have responsibility for ensuring the robust governance of the Group through challenge and direction of the Senior Leadership Team. Good governance should enhance performance and deliver positively for our shareholders, staff, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders whilst still enabling achievement of the Group’s strategic aims.

The Board continues to have a significant role to play in establishing the culture of the business, ensuring that it is consistent with our business model and suitably cascaded through the Group.

Martin Bennett
Independent Non-Executive Chairman

Risk and Compliance Committee

The Committee’s role is to assess the effectiveness of the Group’s risk management framework,  to set the group’s risk appetite and to oversee compliance with regulatory requirements.

Current committee members and attendance in 2023:

  • Bob Head (Chair) 3/3
  • Martin Bennett 3/3
  • Maria Darby-Walker 3/3
  • Andy Lothian 3/3
  • Ciaran Astin 3/3
  • Deborah Frost* 2/2
  • Sarah Mace 3/3
  • Paula Constant* 1/2

* Paula Constant was appointed as Chief Executive, and replaced Deborah Frost, on 1 August 2023.

3 meetings held

Audit Committee

The primary role of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities in areas such as the integrity of financial reporting, the effectiveness of the internal controls as well as oversight of the internal and external audit functions.

Current committee members and attendance in 2023:

  • Bob Head (Chair) 2/2
  • Martin Bennett 2/2
  • Maria Darby-Walker 2/2
  • Ciaran Astin 2/2
2 meetings held

Remuneration Committee

The Committee’s objective is to align our reward strategy with the delivery of profitable and sustainable growth for the benefit of all our stakeholders.

Current committee members and attendance in 2023:

  • Maria Darby-Walker (Chair) 3/3
  • Martin Bennett 3/3
  • Bob Head 3/3
  • Ciaran Astin 3/3
3 meetings held

Nominations & SM&CR Committee

The objective of the Nominations Committee is to recommend for selection by the full Board, Director nominees and to ensure compliance with the requirements around Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR).

Current committee members and attendance in 2023:

  • Martin Bennett (Chair) 1/1
  • Maria Darby-Walker 1/1
  • Bob Head 1/1
  • Ciaran Astin 1/1

The Chief Executive, Non-Independent NEDs, Chief People Officer and Company Secretary are normally present at the meetings.

1 meeting held

Statement of Compliance with the QCA Corporate Governance Code

Download the full statement

Statement of Compliance with the QCA Corporate Governance Code
