Modern Slavery Statement 2024

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in respect of the companies which are within Personal Group (“Group”). The statement describes the steps we have taken during the financial year ended 31 December 2023 to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our business or in our supply chain.


Personal Group is a purpose-led business. We support the UK workforce through our broad offering of employee wellbeing and engagement services. We also ensure our business has a positive social impact on the communities where we trade.

As a business we are committed to eradicating human trafficking and slavery and have a zero tolerance policy in relation to our direct and indirect operations and across our supply chain.

We take our responsibility for removing slavery, human trafficking and exploitation from our supply chain, and to prevent it happening in our own business very seriously. We regularly review our policies, procedures and due diligence processes to ensure they remain fully effective.

Who we are and what we do?

Personal Group is a leading UK provider of the latest employee benefits and wellbeing products, in addition to employee focussed healthcare cash plans.

We balance our user friendly, engaging technology and HR analytics with a tailored launch of our clients’ benefits programme, enabling thousands of employees across the UK to have easy access to their company benefits.

In line with our own ethical culture we expect our clients and our suppliers to take their responsibilities very seriously too.

Our supply chain and suppliers

Our talented and adaptable staff share the Group’s values, providing the high levels of visibility and control that are expected. Our robust processes for approving new suppliers together with regular contact with existing ones ensures that they meet our high standards. Our due diligence process for suppliers and partners includes modern slavery checks. This involves asking prospective and current suppliers and partners to confirm their modern slavery policies; these are then assessed by our Contracts Management Team. We also vet suppliers and partners for any negative media/press coverage which could call into question their modern slavery prevention and detection processes and wider business practices and culture. Robust and well-embedded approval processes for working with suppliers and partners are in place.

We strive to encourage the right behaviours by developing long term relationships with our key suppliers and clients, and we maintain a weather-eye on their activities.

Our staff

There are rigorous procedures in place when we recruit employees which ensures that our right to work obligations are being met. Our regular pay benchmarking gives us the assurance that full and fair wages are being paid.

It is important to us that all our employees feel comfortable to express any concerns they may have. Last year all employees were provided with awareness training on the signs of modern slavery and what actions they need to take. They were also made fully aware of our whistleblowing policy.

Our approach to fighting modern slavery, trafficking and exploitation

All employees in the Group are required to follow our , values of acting with pace, passion and professionalism when running their particular functions within the business. These are values which aim to bring ethical and fair treatment to all those who they may come into contact with.

There is a very clear expectation that any occurrence or indication of exploitation is dealt with in strict accordance with our well-documented and distributed policies and procedures.     

How we confirm this approach

All clients, suppliers and partners must confirm their approach to challenging modern slavery and the steps they are taking to ensure it is eliminated within their business and supply chain at the start of our relationship with them. This is followed by regular reviews with the manager of the respective contract to confirm the position remains acceptable.

All our staff regularly complete a variety of mandatory training modules which provide the necessary learning materials to help them identify then report on any slavery or human trafficking they may encounter.

From staff recruitment to appraisal, the values of the business reinforce our commitment to end all forms of exploitation.

Our assessment of the effective prevention of slavery

We believe that we have taken all the necessary steps to prevent, detect and report incidents of slavery, trafficking or exploitation within our business and supply chain but are mindful that the position is ever evolving and requires us to be constantly vigilant.  

In 2023 we did not receive any reports of modern slavery within our business or in our supply chain.  In 2022, the group acted to terminate a supplier relationship as a precaution, following allegations in the national press of potential modern slavery concerns. This example demonstrates that the group proactively identifies potential illegal activity and acts quickly to fulfil its anti-modern slavery obligations.

This statement was  approved by the Board on 30th November 2023 and signed on its behalf by:

Paula Constant
Group Chief Executive